Naturally after buying our first RV, Manny and I were curious to see if we could find any LGBTQ RV resources on the web. After doing a couple of search for groups on facebook, we came across: the LGBT RV Camping Group. It’s an invite-only group, so we had to apply to be invited in and wait.
Once we got in, it was such a cool and welcoming group. So many people post pictures of their adventures and their rig, and the best part is that you have so many people who are friendly and ready to help out a couple of first-timers like ourselves! It also lets you take a peak at amazing camping destinations around the US. And of course since it is an LGBTQ group, you get the “family” perspective. So you know what places are gay-friendly, which can sometimes be surprising!
Around the time Manny and I joined the group, there was an organized trip to Ichetucknee Springs State Park. I was so excited about this, because I went to university around that state park and remember it fondly. Manny and I were already making plans to go on our own. Unfortunately our schedule did not allow us to make it, but from the pictures that I saw on the facebook group, it looks like it was an amazing time!
While we haven’t met any NEW friends on the group, the LGBT RV Camping Group helped us reunite with the lesbian couple that we briefly met at the West Palm Beach RV Show! The way it went down was that we had posted pictures of our Sunshine Key RV Resort weekend with the camper to the group. As I was repling to the comments I see a comment that said something to the effect of “Hey do you remember us, we were all checking out the same trailer with you guys and your moms”. I remember calling Manny right away before I even replied to tell him how crazy this was. Because all Manny and I would talk about is how we should have exchanged numbers with the girls that we had met at the WPB show, and here they were!!! After a couple of facebook messages back and forth with Lazara Del Cristo and Vanessa Del Cristo, we quickly made plans to have brunch at one of our favorite places: La Fresa Francesa.
I’m happy to report that since that day, we have all become great friends. I’m so thankful to the LGBT RV Camping Group for kickstarting our friendship! We haven’t all gone on an RV adventure together yet, but I hope that changes real soon!!! Also, if you have pets you have to check out their instagram business: Neck Swag: pet bandanas made with love! They recently made one for Miss Mona, and once I clean-up Miss Mona and manage to get the bandana on her, I’ll post some pictures on the post.